100 MNC Job Requirements 2023| In Ahmadabad
Company Name | MNC Group |
Company Locat6ion | MNC Group, Ahmedabad, GUJRAT |
Qualification | ITI in any technical trade. |
Interview date | 07/06/2023 to 10/06/2023 |
Stipend/Salary (8 Hours | ITI- 12000/- to 15000/- |
Age Limit | 18 to 26 years. |
Work Location | DEKABADA, Ahmadabad, Gujrat-382130 |
No. of Vacancies:- 50 NOS.
Shift duration:– Flexible (Day & Night) Working 8 our
Working days:– 6 Day ( Sunday off
Who can apply:- Male Or Female candidates only.
Attendanc e Award:- 400/600/800
Overtime:- 50 Rs. Per hour.
Facility :- Canteen, Transportation
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